BLUE COLLAR MLM: Work Smart, Not Hard

I help people who work for a living and want to create their financial freedom--- but don't have the time, money, or skills to do it. Reading my blog makes it easy!

August 23, 2007

Are You In An MLM Scam?

I know you have passion and enthusiasm for what you're doing. I believe you're sincere and I respect your perspectives and experience.


I struggled needlessly for years for lack of the use of correct information, and most of the people I've ever met in MLM who have been in for any length of time have had a similar experience. Result = little or no money.

SOMEBODY is making money in every company. But most people are NOT! Something is definitely wrong with that picture because nobody gets in with the idea of NOT making money.

There are fundamentals of the game that make anyone successful, because I and everyone on my team who utilizes the principles is REMARKABLY SUCCESSFUL no matter what our different backgrounds and experiences are.

The philosophy is not for everybody. Good thing we don't need that many.

I NEVER quarrel with anybody and I NEVER tell anybody their deal sucks. To each his own. My focus is more on what it takes to be successful. Usually, if you're not, it's NOT YOUR FAULT (although the situation makes it YOUR RESPONSIBILITY).

Through it all, I am a true student at heart. I appreciate you!


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