BLUE COLLAR MLM: Work Smart, Not Hard

I help people who work for a living and want to create their financial freedom--- but don't have the time, money, or skills to do it. Reading my blog makes it easy!

July 27, 2008

MLM Tips- How Important It Is To Listen

What explains the fact that you find some people who “tear it up” in MLM, while others fail time after time after time?

This answer may not include everything, but I know that understanding personality differences makes a HUGE difference in the results people get in network marketing.

Well-known author and psychologist Carl Jung introduced us to the four personality types nearly a hundred years ago. The basic idea has been examined by a number of smart people.

Today, you can start with zero knowledge and become good at identifying the four personality types within seconds of meeting them. That makes an amazing difference to the results you get when talking with people. When you can meet people and quickly understand how they think, you are in position to build a trust-based relationship faster than you ever could before.

But the biggest result this training brings is that you must actually LISTEN to a prospect in order to tell which personality they are. And once you start listening to people, magical things happen. People notice that you are someone who really cares--- someone who is not just advancing his own agenda.

Best of all, this skill is quick and easy to learn--- and easy to teach to others. That means it’s a very duplicable strategy, which you can use to build your network marketing income.

It's important to target the people who will build your network marketing business. Obviously there are lots of possibilities. Mail order dealers have spent years learning how to target the best prospects. And in that business, it’s very, very expensive to make a mistake when you mail.

These guys would tell you that the number one factor in their success isn't the mailing piece they send out--- it’s the names on the list they mail to. And this may sound strange, but the number one way to predict whether a person will buy is--- has this person bought the same thing before? Sounds like it couldn't be right, but it’s the truth.

Mail order pros only mail to prospects that have already bought the same thing, or something similar. Why would that work? Because you’re dealing with someone who has “raised his hand” and identified himself as someone interested in what you’re selling.

That means your best prospects are NOT the general public. They are those who have been in MLM before and still looking for the opportunity that will give them the success they want.

You know what it's like when you walk onto a car lot and a salesman is on you like glue? His job is to sell you a car, period. How does that feel?

That's one of the problems you get when you try to sell, which Michael Dlouhy writes about in "Success In 10 Steps". People see MLM as a sales business, and it isn't. It’s a “relationship” business. You need ways to build know, like, and trust with people, because that’s what will cause them to join you. If people don't trust you, they won’t join you.

July 21, 2008

MLM Secrets- The Choice Between Love and Money

A lot of sincere, earnest people get into network marketing to become lovers of product. Some of these lovers even become experts.

Unfortunately, that’s a total waste of time.

That might make sense if the goal was just to sell a product. But this business is about building relationships more than selling product.

If you try to get people to buy from you, you fail before you start.

And even if you can do it, you won't be able to train others to.

Selling isn't duplicable.

Instead, you must become an expert on people, because people are your REAL product.

Your goal is to help people achieve their dreams. To do that, you must understand them. So what you need to get good at is relationship building.

Allow yourself to be a great listener, so you understand what people want. Then help them get it.

To reach their dreams, they'll buy your products ... AFTER you’ve built that relationship with them.

You'd never take a job and not know how much money you'll make--- that would be your first or second question.

So it’s surprising when people start an MLM business without knowing the answer to that question.

They hope they’ll make a lot of money, but they have no clue what it will take to produce the income they want.

It's easy to come up with the numbers. How much sales volume will you need to make your income goal? Find out what the average volume per distributor is; some people order regularly, and some don't order at all--- so what is the AVERAGE figure? That’s important when trying to estimate your potential income.

Now, divide your desired income goal by the average volume per distributor. This tells you exactly how may distributors to plan on having in your downline in order to reach your income goal.

Several years ago, MLM veteran Michael Dlouhy wrote "Success In 10 Steps." Like the ideas in this article, the ebook shows you the reasons so many people fail in network marketing. One of the most interesting reasons is that some companies have a compensation plan that pays almost nothing to over 90% of the reps, and the reps don’t even realize it. The companies figure that if you get excited about being one of the few who get six or seven-figure monthly paychecks, that will lure you into the business.

The more a company pays to its best distributors, the less there is for everybody else. You'll find a lot of interesting ideas in this ebook.

July 9, 2008

FOOD FOR THOUGHT Wanna Buy A Toothbrush?


Toothbrush salesman is having a LOT of trouble selling toothbrushes.

True, everyone NEEDS one, but everyone’s already GOT one.

So he goes to the busiest intersection in town, with a bushel basket of tortilla chips and a sign that says,



So people pull their cars over, stop and get a chip.

And they dip it in the dip and have a taste.

But the dip is terrible! So they all say, "Ugh! This tastes like sh**!"

The guy says,"It IS sh**... WANNA BUY A TOOTHBRUSH?"

But it was making him money, right?

"Food" for thought.

July 1, 2008

The Power of NEGATIVE Thinking

”Think positive” has been a popular saying for almost a hundred years. So why aren’t we all rich?”

”The Secret” is great because it’s introduced millions of people to the “law of attraction”. But what’s the secret BEHIND “The Secret”?

If mental imagery was all it took to be successful, there would be no poor people. But knowledge of the law is just the vehicle--- it’s useless without proper use and maintenance.

The law of attraction is part of a bigger science called quantum mechanics. Positive thinking alone won’t bake you a cake unless you put the right ingredients together in the correct recipe.

You will NOT get a big network marketing business by simply wishing for it. People are not going to automatically join you because your product is so hot, your compensation is so good, and a celebrity endorses your company.

Success will be the result of your influencing people to join the business, buy products monthly, and influence others to do the same thing. Simply thinking of it will NOT make is so.

Most of the people you come into contact with will NOT join your business or consume its products, let alone recommend them to others. Knowing this from the beginning prevents you from being disappointed when someone refuses to participate.

Knowing that your business is built on a small group of big fans encourages you to keep looking for them.

You are being overly optimistic if you believe you can easily build a group of thousands of customers. Truth is, you will do much better in a venture where you don’t need a whole bunch of people and they don’t have to buy a whole bunch of product.

A few people in every network marketing business make most of the money. Positively thinking that you will be one of them will probably lead you to failure and frustration.

MLM’s greatest potential is as a supplemental income source; enough money to help pay off bills and save for your retirement.

Helping more people do that is a better way to become one of those big money earners.

June 21, 2008

Stop Cutting It Off!

If a guy who's clean shaven looks at my beard and asks, "Can you help me grow a beard like that? I've always wanted a beard."


The bad news is I can't help you. The good news is you already have the ability to grow a beard, whether you know it or not.

You just have to stop cutting it off.

The way that an infinite number of blessings come to us in so many ways, but in our confusion we can use our free will to cut them off.

Mentoring For Free is about helping ourselves and each other to STOP CUTTING IT OFF!

If you go to sleep and wake up again, you're already successful. Even though you didn't make any money.

Because you can have a million dollars, and it won't matter if you don't wake up!

Wake up, be thankful, and stop cutting it off.

June 18, 2008

Something I saw on a friend's MySpace page

This should probably be taped to your bathroom mirror, where you can read it every day. You may not realize it, but it's 100% true.

1. There are at least two people in this world that you would die for.

2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.

3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.

4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.

5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.

6. You mean the world to someone.

7. You are special and unique.

8. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.

9. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.

10. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take another look.

11. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks.

Happiness keeps you sweet, trials keep you strong, sorrows keep you human, life keeps you humble, and success keeps you glowing. But only GOD keeps you going!

The road to success is not straight.

There is a curve called Failure,

a loop called Confusion,

speed bumps called Friends,

red lights called Enemies,

and caution lights called Family.

You will have flats called Jobs.

But if you have a spare called Determination,

an engine called Perseverance,

insurance called Faith,

and a driver called GOD, you will make it to a place called Success.

June 14, 2008

Gifting = Legal. Gifting "PROGRAM" = NOT!

My Beloved People:

I hope this clears up the DANGEROUS confusion about "cash gifting".

You may have heard that it's legal--- THAT IS 100% TRUE.

The DANGER comes in when you organize cash gifting into a BUSINESS for PROFIT.

Please read carefully--- This is not from me, it's from the U.S. GOVERNMENT:

The IRS says you can give ANY PERSON a gift of money or property up to $12,000 in value, and they don't even have to report it as income or pay taxes on it. TRUE!

BUT... and this is a HEAVY "but"... you MUST NOT do the gifting as a "for profit" business... EVEN IF YOU DON'T CALL IT THAT.

Just because you call it an "activity" or "charitable giving" does NOT make it legal!!

Federal authorities label that an ILLEGAL PYRAMID SCHEME, and if they catch you doing it, it could mean FINES, JAIL TIME and/or (at the very least) VERY high legal expenses.

How you get caught

Every person I know who is involved in cash gifting is a good person who is trying to help people and make some money.

They see people posting their videos on YouTube and say, "Well, it must be legal. Who would put their names and faces on the Internet if it wasn't legal?"

People who don't KNOW it's illegal, that's who.


Notice how some people NEVER use their names and faces. Why? If they're legit, and they're helping so many people, what's wrong with anyone knowing who they are?

CASH ONLY. You can't use checks or credit cards... or even money orders. Why? The government says it's OK, so what's wrong with having a paper trail?

They don’t use the U.S. mail. Why? The post office also has next day delivery.

"If they're illegal, why don't they get shut down? Why don't they take people to jail?

They do! It's up to the prosecuting authorities to decide how many complaints they'll want to hear before they start busting people. Could be 10, could be 100. They might want to take down the scam's originators, or they might want to take out several other perpetrators in the process. They MAY or MAY NOT see YOU as a "VICTIM".

Is it worth it?

Look, I know you need the money, but you can't make it doing a scam. In a scam, you'll almost always LOSE money.

There are plenty or real, legitimate business opportunities out there.

I know you didn't want to hear this, but if it keeps you from going to jail and losing everything you have, then it's worth it!

Maybe it's because of the high price of groceries. Or because gas is $4 a gallon. Or because of the housing crisis. But I'm seeing more of these scams right now than I ever have before.

I've been hit by them, too. And it DIDN'T HELP ME AT ALL that I "meant" well. But I had to learn the hard way.

Slow down. Take a deep breath. Relax. IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT.

** If you're thinking about doing a gifting program, DON'T.
** If you ARE doing one, STOP.
** If your name, photo, video, or contact information is on the Internet, TAKE IT DOWN IMMEDIATELY.

If you've lost money in one of those gifting programs, email me. I might know of a way you can get at least some of your money back.

And if you're looking for a LEGITIMATE way to make some money, I can definitely help you there.

Whatever you need, let me know. We can talk about it.

Hope that helps.

June 10, 2008

An opportunity to reflect, learn, and improve.

Pearls of Wisdom

1. Knowledge is the only instrument of production that is not subject to diminishing returns.

2. It's not our position but our disposition that makes us happy.

3. A discussion seeks what's right; and an argument seeks who's right.

4. Proud people end in shame, but the meek become wise------ be humble, take advice, and become wise.

5. The test of your generosity is not how much you give, but how much you have left.

6. You should always look at the level of hardship you're bearing and appreciate that things could've been worse.

7. Everything happens according to a Divine decree, and in the deaths of others are morals and lessons.

8. We are successful to the degree that we obey God, and after that how we interact with His creation------- so we need to deal with others as we would have them deal with us.

9. Contentment enhances our spiritual life. When we feel genuinely contented with our life, we will solve any problem easier and more efficiently than we ever thought possible.

10. We don't always have power over other people and events, but we do have TREMENDOUS power to feel happy and contented with our life.

All from the LESSON OF THE DAY Blog.

Spread, Enjoy, Take, Learn, Practice and PRAY!

May 3, 2008

Donald Trump said if he had to start all over...

... he'd get in a network marketing company and "go to work".

Then, when some folks in the audience grimaced and groaned like someone was holding something stinky under their noses, Trump replied, "That's why I'm up here and you're out there!"

What a great story and testament for network marketing. Too bad it never happened.

I've been looking for a film clip of Trump saying that for YEARS. I've never seen it. You would think that somebody at the TV network would have at least HEARD about it. There seem to be no confirmations of that happening whatsoever. No film ANYWHERE. For example, it would certainly be on You Tube if you typed in "Donald Trump network marketing".

No such video. So I believe it's a FALSE urban legend.

Trump DID say some good things about network marketing in the book he did with Robert Kiyosaki, "Why We Want You To Be Rich". I have printed proof of his endorsement there. (Hardcover, pages 310-311.)

And some people believe he has some kind of marketing agreement with at least one particular MLM company, where they can apparently use his name. But I'm sure that ALL of us have to build a network marketing business totally differently than the way he would do it.

Unfortunately, I've heard that "I'd get in a network marketing business and go to work" story many times over the years. I've been trying to either CONFIRM it or STOP it--- so far I've been able to do neither.

If anyone has that videotape, I encourage them to "roll that beautiful bean footage". It would be INVALUABLE. Otherwise, it's one of those MLM hype catastrophes that we should all avoid.

May 2, 2008

Listen To The Dirty Secrets Your MLM Company Doesn't Want You To Know

Eavesdrop on The Blue Collar MLM Guy with MLM legend Michael Dlouhy as we talk about our INSIDE EXPERIENCE running MLM companies.

You will be SHOCKED by what you hear. But you'll be glad you did!

May 1, 2008

The Truth About Michael Dlouhy

The White Knight of Network Marketing? Good grief. Gag me with a spoon. I knew the man before he became “St. Michael.” You need to read THIS story ...

By Richard Dennis

Michael and Linda Dlouhy

I have strong disagreements with Michael, but it’s not personal. I’ve known him since 1997. In person, away from business, he’s a charming, lovable character. Fun, sort of. Almost cartoon-like.

For some reason I can’t quite put my finger on, many people are drawn to him. My wife, for instance. Cheryl thinks he’s great.

Me? I’m at my wits’ end. Michael Dlouhy rubs me the wrong way. Before you think I’m petty or nasty or vindictive, let me tell you some things. This guy is going to irritate the snot out of you, too:

1. Michael Dlouhy spends 7-10 hours a week teaching his own network marketing COMPETITORS every secret he knows. He gives them FREE every tool he uses. His phone calls & e-book show them EXACTLY, step-by-step, how to take business away from him (as if they could) … and then he doesn’t even charge them for the training! (You’ll learn his reasoning for this in a couple minutes.)

By all rights, he ought to be standing at some big intersection with his spray bottle, dashing out at red lights, washing your windshield. Heck. He’d probably do THAT for free, too.

Here’s his motto: "Take everything I’ve got. Please." Michael trains his own people. He trains people from other companies. He trains people in his own company, but not in his group. It’s all free.

It’s all nuts.

But what aggravates me no end is, it works. He spits on the time-tested rules of direct marketing. He makes an absolute fool out of every MLM "Heavy Hitter" on the planet. As incredible as it seems from the way he does business, my suspicion is, next thing he does is fire up his Harley and head off to the bank, saddlebags stuffed with cash.

Life isn’t fair. Why the heck isn’t he bankrupt?

2. Michael’s entire income comes from his MLM business. Yet on his conference calls, he NEVER mentions the company name. He NEVER says a product name. He trains his people to NEVER close a sale. He trains them to NEVER recruit. He tells them to NEVER promote to friends & family. And yet they move a TON of product, and they build like crazy!

Is this any way to run a business?

Listen. I’ve talked to a bunch of his people. I know his motivation. Michael tells them how he was abused as a kid. His Aunt Honey rescued him and loved him. And now he wants to be Aunt Honey to all these abused network marketers.

Oh, brother! Wouldn’t Dr. Phil have a field day with this?

If you liked "The Brady Bunch", you’ll love Michael. Bright and cheery 99% of the time. Only when the subject turns to MLM "Heavy Hitters" and direct marketers, THAT is when he gets fire in his eyes and nitroglycerin in his veins.

In his e-book, he catalogs every lie they’ve ever told. What drives him is helping all those who’ve dreamed entrepreneurial dreams, and then been fleeced & abused by the evildoers. So when he gives everything away ... it’s an "in-your-face" to the Heavy Hitters.

Heck. Nothing wrong with that. Strong motivation. That’s good. But then he should stick to the profit basics.

Instead, off he goes, riding over the countryside. It's The White Knight of Network Marketing, Sir Michael of MLM.

Gag me with a spoon.

And what's he doing? Saving the dreamers from ... WHAT? Now it's MLM VAMPIRES!?
The man has gone round the bend.

3. Michael leaves wonderful, wildly profitable MLM marketing systems on the curb if he can’t use them to build others. People instantly relate to him. They trust him. They’re loyal as all get-out. He makes relationship-building look way too easy. And he trains his people to use his e-book do the same thing.

Michael refuses to acknowledge that business is about profit. If there’s one business certainty, it’s the bottom line. Profit or die. Period.

But Michael is totally unreasonable about this. Oh, he’d never be so rude as to "correct" me when I tell him these things. He just politely listens and then continues to do exactly what he was going to do anyway, which is to build people.
Michael has a thing about numbers. So I’ve told him, "It’s great that you care about people, Michael. But the numbers say, most people fail in network marketing. The numbers say, if you bet everything on your people and they fail, then YOU are down the tubes. The problem with people is, they’re VERY unpredictable.

"But product marketing systems are VERY predictable. We can set up a product marketing system, test it, tweak it, and figure out what gets good performance numbers. Then we can just ride that profit train. It’s much more sensible than betting on people. What if your people don’t make it? What if they don’t build?"
And you know what he tells me?

"They will."

What kind of a Pollyanna answer is that?

4. He comes into MY home, into MY living room, sits in MY chair, and thinks he can outsmart me.

Michael lives 200 miles away. So when he’d call to ask if he could drop by, I knew I was going to get a hard sell. I had my excuse list ready.

Then he’d show up and talk with Cheryl & me. I have to admit, he can be a warm and engaging storyteller.

And no hard sell.

It’s worse.

He just sits there and INTENTIONALLY listens to me.

Very irritating. I’ve heard his Colors training. I know exactly what he’s doing. He doesn’t fool me for a minute. Even so, it’s tough not to blab your head off when someone gets as interested in what you’re saying as Michael does.

So I talk. He listens. He figures me out. Believe me, he LOVES to have that advantage.

5. He doesn’t know when to quit. Michael knew EXACTLY how much he annoyed me, yet he still emailed and called and dropped by from time to time, letting me know that it was perfectly OK if I wanted to work with him … OR NOT!

So it’s OK if I work with him. And it’s OK if I don’t. That’s just wonderful.
I don’t need the aggravation. Really. I didn't give a rat's ass about Michael Dlouhy. Why the heck should he care about me?

And right there, THERE is my problem. I’m very curious.

Several people have told me they lost money in MLM for years before connecting with Michael. Now, they’re profitable. Despite his craziness.

How can that be? How can you give everything away and make a profit?

I had to know. I called him up. We had a very long talk.

And I’m glad we did. Because now I understand better why he does what he does in network marketing. There really is a method to his madness.

Let me give you one example.

Remember how he gives everything away to his competitors, free of charge? He does that because he knows this business. MLM companies come, go and change like crazy. Michael knows that when he builds trust with people, he’s sowing the seeds for working together in the future. Just because a person is in love with their company today doesn’t mean they will be a month or a year or 5 years from now.

And whenever they’re ready to make a change, Michael’s door is open. Good plan, actually.

And, as it turns out, he has a lot of good plans. It shocks me to say this. But the conclusion is inescapable.

Simply, Michael Dlouhy is a networking genius. He is to relationship-building and network marketing what Muhammed Ali was to boxing, what Elvis was to rock ‘n roll, what Bill Gates is to the personal computer. These kinds of people don’t do things the way they’re supposed to. Rules just get in the way of their creativity and obsession with their work.

It took me years to realize what I hate most about Michael Dlouhy. It’s EXACTLY what makes him unique. Michael does not follow anyone else’s rules. He’s almost like a Mother Teresa, searching through the network marketing woods, looking for the orphaned, injured baby MLMer. He takes it in, bottle-feeds it and nurses it to health.

In some ways, Michael is still 6 years old. He thinks every network marketer out there is Bambi, and he’s got to protect them from the Hunter.

6. There are days (I swear this is true) he calls me at 9 am to talk about some marketing idea. I can’t reach him in the afternoon, because he’s on the phone for an hour and a half doing a 3-way call with someone on his 74th level, who he just MUST help. At 8 pm, he’s doing his nightly 1-hour training call (or 2 or 3 hours, depending on how much help his people - AND his competitors! - need). And then he emails me at 3 a.m. When the heck does he sleep?

I once asked Linda Dlouhy when her husband sleeps.

Her answer?

"He doesn’t."

THIS one is personal.

Why should I feel guilty about getting a good night’s sleep?

But in the middle of the night, from the deepest sleep, I suddenly sit bolt upright in bed, eyes wide, sweat dripping, picturing Michael Dlouhy getting ahead of me. He's already on the phone, or at his computer sending emails, or out somewhere saving baby entrepreneurs.

I do a lot of work. I get a lot done. I work hard. But he never stops. He really pisses me off.

7. Michael Dlouhy couldn’t legitimately "market" his way out of a paper bag.
I know a thing or two about direct marketing. I was in marketing guru Jay Abraham’s "Protégé" group, back in 1989.

In 1990, I worked briefly with direct mail geniuses Gary Halbert & John Carlton, writing sales letters for some of Gary’s clients.

In 1993, I got a call from Dr. Joel Wallach at the old "Eagle Investments" MLM. Doc asked me to help him promote his "colloidal mineral" product. I took one of Doc’s old seminar audiotapes gathering dust in his closet, titled it, "Dead Doctors Don’t Lie," and began promoting it. Eventually, over 200 million "Dead Doctors" tapes were circulated. It’s still the benchmark against which all other network marketing promotions are measured.

In 1996, I wrote the full-page ad, "I REALLY Expected To Be Dead By Now!" This ad appeared in numerous national magazines and many direct mail packages … along with my book, "The Strangest Nutritional Secret!" These pieces brought us a couple million dollars net over the next few years.

Michael, on the other hand, has never created ANYTHING like these pieces.
All he does is build relationships with people, and then he teaches them to do the same thing.

"Build people. People will build your business."

Michael must say THAT 20 times a day. So instead of some mile-wide, inch-thick marketing thingy, he now has tight relationships with hundreds of people who would follow him anywhere.

That absolutely is NOT direct marketing. But it sure makes me wonder if he’s back there behind the curtains, the Wizard of Oz, pulling the levers - laughing at ME!

8. Which brings me to why I REALLY hate Michael Dlouhy. Because as I watch what Michael is doing now, and as I talk to many of his people, I have a realization:
EVERYTHING I did back in the ‘90s, ALL the success, WAS A MISTAKE!

I don’t believe I’m saying this.

Trust me – I’m not being humble. I look at me back then, and I look at Michael, now, and it’s the only logical conclusion. I was using Direct Marketing tactics to do Network Marketing. It worked great, right up until it crashed and burned and our income perished.

Listen. I was never arrogant. In many ways, I was stunned by success. But I did think it meant something. I thought it meant I knew what I was doing.


Oh, I could market, all right. But I didn’t build relationships. I would never, ever shoot Bambi. But I’d never give her my phone number, either. Let alone go out in the woods and search for her.

So I had a direct marketing mindset, and I was doing a network marketing business. It was doomed from the start. I made a lot of money. So did many of our people. But then, suddenly, it fell apart.

Had I built people rather than income, that business would still be going strong today.

Live and learn.

So here I am, years later. I find myself working with Michael, learning from him.
It's not always easy. We have very different viewpoints. I've been in this industry, off and on, for almost 30 years. And it's definitely tough to teach an old dog new tricks.

But Michael has certainly convinced me that to build an MLM that lasts, you MUST build relationships. You MUST build people. I’ve learned that from him, and I appreciate it.

Look. I won't go into details. But Michael has PROVEN to me that he is 100% committed to my success using his system.

Pretty smart. Astonishing, really. He's turned me from a skeptic into a raving Michael Dlouhy fan.

After all these years, I now have a mentor. If you’re smart, you’ll let Michael teach you, too. He will train you every inch of the way until you're successful in MLM.

What else would you expect from the "White Knight of Network Marketing"?

Richard Dennis, Monticello, FL
---by Richard Dennis, Monticello, FL

April 26, 2008

They Don't Need What They Don't Want

How looking for people who need you keeps you broke... but helpful

The reason that people need your product or business opportunity is because so far they've chosen to successfully avoid it.

Most of the time, our offer is truly not as good as we'd like to make it. What we have is usually available from several other sources, at a much lower price. The fact that your "prospect" hasn't bought it should remind you that "need" is not enough to qualify someone as a target of your "sharing and recommending" campaign.

You don't make money off of people who "need" you. You make money on people who buy from you.

Aha! Focus your efforts on people who want to be in network marketing--- but it's not working for them. It's not uncommon to see drastic commission increases by just changing your focus from the people who "need" you to the select few who will buy.

April 17, 2008

The Difference Between Purpose and Reason

What is the easiest, best way to build your business? Why, ON PURPOSE, of course!

A purpose is an intention. A reason is an explanation.

Some examples of the difference:

I walk every day. Reasons: I like to walk. It's good exercise. Regulates my blood pressure. Feels good. I have some of my best ideas while walking.

But the purpose of walking is... to walk.

We eat every day. Reasons: Food tastes good. Gives us nourishment. And with so much food available, it's hard NOT to eat.

But the purpose of eating--- is to eat.

Our agenda may be to get full, be healthy, or lose weight. But none of these are the purpose.

So the PURPOSE of doing anything is to DO IT.

Think about it for a minute and you'll find that it's true.

So the purpose of Mentoring For Free is--- mentoring, for free.

What are our reasons for mentoring for free? To encourage people to read Success In 10 Steps. To advise them to listen to the MFF audios. To give them MLM skills training. To show them the benefits of a 5 Pillars company. So that some of them will walk into our business, without being pushed or pulled.

Those are the reasons to call people when they download the book.

But the purpose is--- to call them.

Forget your reasons. Focus on the purpose.

That makes it SO MUCH EASIER to make the call. No objective. No ulterior motive. They download the book, so you call them.

So call them on "purpose", for "no reason".

April 13, 2008

How Much Is A 5 Pillars Company Worth To YOU?

Money, its a gas.
Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash.

--- Pink Floyd, "Money"

It seems to help me to listen to this song while I read this:

You can check the math yourself, or just trust me that it's accurate. Remember, I'm a "green personality".

Just how much is a "5 Pillars" company worth to you, anyway?

Well let's say that you're in such a company. And a year from now, let's say you're making... $10,000 a month.

Sound good?

OK, let's further estimate that your retention rate is around 50%. Meaning, if roughly half the people who are with you this year will stick around next year.

That means, that as long as you continue to do what you're doing, your business would grow at a rate of 50% a year. Right?

So after a year, if you're making $10,000, then after 2 years, you'd be at $15,000. Three years, $22,500--- and so on. Per month.

At that rate, in 13 years you will have made $13 million. A multi-year, multi million dollar deal!

Look at the number: $13,000,000.00. For YOU.

(If someone knows that, why would you have to "beg", "sell", "close", "convince", or "manipulize" them to take it?)

But let's say that a year from now, you're only making $5,000 a month.

So your 13-year take would only be $6.5 million. Wah!

And what if your retention rate is a pitiful 25% (about 4 times the national average, by the way). Now you're down to $3.25 million.

How many people do you know TODAY (that will take your phone call) who are likely to make $3.25 million over the next 13 years?

My guess is that you know a lot more people who WON'T.

They're called "prospects".

April 11, 2008

What Makes You An MLM Leader

Exactly what makes leaders different? How can you look into the future to see who will rise from follower status to becoming a recognized leader--- someone who is widely accepted as a guru?

Most people would agree that when you see a leader, you see certainty, passion, and enthusiasm. As long as you see those things, that person inspires confidence in others. It's not real scientific, but I imagine you've noticed the same thing. Man or woman, the person who exudes confidence is easy to follow. And what about the people without it? You hardly even notice them.

What this means is, to be a leader you need to be sure that what you do makes a difference. Perfection is not as much of a requirement, as long as you act with passion. As NBA great Charles Barkley wrote, “I could be wrong, but I doubt it.” That is the thought of an inspiring leader.

Anyone with a burning desire to be successful will stay away from people in doubt. To attract the right people to your network marketing business, you need to act with clarity and certainty. That will make you magnetic.

A smart leader knows that you can't make anyone do anything for long. People must first believe in you to follow you, or what you do will fall apart. You must tell them exactly what results to expect, and spotlight a step-by-step plan for them to achieve them.

Do everything in your power to make it as easy as possible for each of your team members to walk (or run) on his or her chosen path. When you truly capture the minds and hearts of your team members, they subscribe to your plan and commit to their assigned roles… because by doing so, they move closer to what THEY want.

April 7, 2008

Aren't these beautiful?

What the heck do these pictures have to do with MLM? Okay, not much. Just a little inspiration if you like to look at pretty things.

So take a break and have some tissues ready...

March 19, 2008

Lead The Follower

Notice the people who are a success in MLM, and you’ll see that they’re all leaders. The only way you can be a leader is to find people to follow you. The only way that can happen is when YOU are the guru that knows the MLM success secret and reveals it to them. People are looking for a leader they can believe in. When you believe in yourself, you’ll be amazed at how many people you inspire. People will look at you as a leader because good leaders are hard to find. To be a savior to people, you need true, inspiring, and motivating belief in yourself.

But maybe you think that can’t happen to you, that nobody will believe in you as a leader. But as long as people can feel your rock-solid belief, it doesn’t matter if you’ve never been a leader before. They’ll follow you because you inspire them. As far away as that ability may seem from you right now, it’s just a matter of your getting some intensive coaching and dedicated practice to be a leader. Even though you’re not perfect, you can help people turn their lives around. Everybody wants a role model. It’s a great place for you to be in, but only when you how to do it.

If you have self-doubt and think there’s no way you’ll ever get where you want to be in life, with the right training and dedicated effort on your part, “you” as an inspirational leader could be just a few weeks away... not months or years. Are you willing to make a commitment to your future?

March 17, 2008

The MLM "Dog Money" Theory

Throw your dog a T-bone steak, and you've got the happiest dog you've ever seen.

Come back tomorrow and throw him a bone--- and he's as happy as he was with the steak.

That's because he knows that all he's gonna get is what you give him.

Think about it, and MLM compensation plans can work the same way. They'll throw you a bone, and every now and then (if you're good), you can have a little steak.

But once you realize you can have as much steak as you want when you want it--- you'll never settle for just the bone.

You see, you don't work for the MLM company--- the MLM company works for YOU.

If you don't make any sales, they don't make any money. YOUR skills and influence build the company more than anything else.

So you can settle for 5%-10% of all the sales you help bring to the company--- but you COULD be getting 15%, 20%, or 30% of the SAME amount of sales volume in a company that treats you better and appreciates you more. One that knows your real value.

In other words... get the steak, or settle for the bone.

March 12, 2008

What Do All These People Have In Common?

When I’m feeling down or unsuccessful, I can take inspiration from several famous names. Here are a few, just off the top of my head:

Billy Ray Cyrus
Whoopi Goldberg
Howard Stern
Tom Joyner
Kelsey Grammer
George Lopez
J.K. Rowling
Sylvester Stallone
Paula Deen
Michael Jordan
Oprah Winfrey

They all have several things in common:

1. They’re alive. All of them are living at the time of this writing.
2. They’re rich. All of them are millionaires many times over.
3. They’re famous. All of them are household names.
4. They’re working. You can connect them to what they’re famous for.
5. They ALL overcame tremendous obstacles before becoming rich and famous.

Billy Ray Cyrus’ wife left him just before he became rich and famous for his Achy Breaky Heart.

Oscar winner and host Whoopi Goldberg admits to an early history of heroin abuse.

Howard Stern was harassed and physically beaten daily by some of his high school classmates. Two years ago, he signed a contact with Sirius satellite radio for half a billion dollars. That’s “billion”, with a “b”.

Tom Joyner was a failed TV show host before he became the multi-million dollar “fly jock”, and most influential Black broadcaster in America. In college, he quit a singing group that went on to become the Commodores. He was replaced by some guy named Lionel Richie.

Just a few years after his father had been gunned down hear his home, Kelsey Grammer was called to identify the body of his murdered sister in 1975. Kelsey, then 20 years old, became depressed and battled substance abuse for many years before, and during, his celebrated role of “Dr. Frasier Crane”.

Long before his successful comedy career, George Lopez grew up in a home so abusive he suffered kidney damage that required a transplant (from his wife!) a few years ago.

Billionaire J.K. Rowling was on welfare before her first Harry Potter book was published.

Sylvester Stallone was rejected about a thousand times and starred in a little-known porn movie to pay the bills before Rocky was born.

Paula Deen was a broke single mom on the verge of bankruptcy before she started cooking lunches for office and construction workers in her home kitchen. The rest is history.

Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team because he “wasn’t good enough”. Imagine!

Oprah Winfrey was emotionally scarred by sexual abuse as a child, yet went on to become an Academy Award nominated actress, the richest woman in Black entertainment, and the second richest Black woman in the country.

What these people dealt with make my “problems” seem small.

You can probably add some people to the list if you think about it.

March 10, 2008

Home Business "Angels"? Whoops, Doggone It, Just More Devils!

I know… I know. The “gurus” lied to you. You paid through the nose for their training. And what they trained you to do was sell-sell-sell, recruit-recruit-recruit. Every time you turned around, they wanted you to buy something else. MLM leads. Ads. Autoresponders. More training.

In the beginning, you were thinking about your family. Time was passing, and you were spending less and less quality time together. The bills got bigger; you had to work a lot harder to make ends meet. Then, you found MLM, and it was like an answer to prayer.

A lot of people know that feeling, especially me.

Losing your money was bad, but losing your good reputation was worse. You thought you were “helping” people... not using them. Most of them ended up laughing at you; maybe not in your face, but they were doing it on the inside or behind your back. Then you started saying some really awful things to yourself, about what a fool you were. Your self-confidence went down the drain.

It’s OK. It’s all water under the bridge now. But what’s next? You’re smarter now. So how do you get what you REALLY you want in life? Good question. I have some answers. Bookmark this blog and come back often.