BLUE COLLAR MLM: Work Smart, Not Hard

I help people who work for a living and want to create their financial freedom--- but don't have the time, money, or skills to do it. Reading my blog makes it easy!

December 16, 2007

Free Ebooks: Good Marketing Strategy, or Just "Makin' Bacn"?

The cornerstone of my successful business is a "no selling" approach, a way to get the sale WITHOUT selling.

Almost every that passes for network marketing training tells you to BLITZ the Internet, taking every opportunity to tell people what your product is, why they can't live without it, and how rich they can get by selling it.

As far as I can see, that has at least a 95% failure rate. So if I do the opposite, I have a GREAT chance of being successful, right?

That's why giving away a free ebook of generic network marketing training that DOES NOT emphasize a particular MLM business opportunity is so effective; you're not competing in a "my deal's better than yours" contest with someone who won't look at your offer because they're too busy getting you to take THEIRS.

However I see a marked decline in response to my free information offer because so many scams out there are just sales pitches disguised as "free info".

More than a few people have entered bogus information in my network marketing lead generation page because they don't want to get "spammed and scammed".

The way I dealt with that is, I don't offer the free info until AFTER I've contacted them and they've responded to me. In other words, MySpace and other social networking friends only get the link to my free training offer if they say, "Yeah, please, send me the information".

So all the "automated online business" freaks who are out "makin' bacn" all over the Internet have caused me to add another time-consuming step to my marketing strategy. But that's OK, because my results have actually improved since I did it!

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