BLUE COLLAR MLM: Work Smart, Not Hard

I help people who work for a living and want to create their financial freedom--- but don't have the time, money, or skills to do it. Reading my blog makes it easy!

December 5, 2007

Network marketing is very much alive

I keep seeing this question lately--- "is network marketing dead"?

Reports of its death have been greatly exaggerated.

Three guys are standing on a roof. They all can jump off. So how many are left?

ANSWER: All three. Just because they have the ABILITY to jump, doesn't mean they WILL.

Network marketing is very much alive (thank God). And there are more people who CAN do it than actually are. They just don't know it yet.

They're too busy telling everybody how great their thing is. Trouble is, NOBODY'S BUYING.

There was this salesman who sucked at selling. Got fired from every job he ever had. So one day he got a job selling toothbrushes. Everybody needs a toothbrush, right?

WRONG. Everybody's already GOT one!

Poor slob was about to get fired again, so in a "last ditch" effort he buys a bushel basket and fills it up with tortilla chips. And he sets it out on the busiest corner in town with a sign that says,


So people stop by and take a chip. They dip it and it tastes terrible. They say, "Hey, yuck, this dip tastes like sh**!"

Salesman says, "It IS sh**. WANNA BUY A TOOTHBRUSH??"

See, a lot of people in MLM are walking around with a bad taste in their mouths. Trouble is, they LIKE it.

Somebody who's supposed to be their "leader" is "living the dream". They see his clothes, his car, his bonus check, and they know he MUST be living the dream. They want it too! And they deserve it.

You know these people when you see them. They've got the "MLM look". You know the one---

"I don't know how I'm gonna do it, but THAT guy's makin' money, and if HE can do it than I CAN TOO! I just have to keep smiling and "fake it 'til I make it". Make my list, run my ads, buy the big package, get people to the meeting/website/conference call etc. etc...."

What happened is the "big guy" sold him HIS dream. And they BOUGHT it. Now they're trying to SELL IT TO OTHERS, and it's NOT WORKING.

The good news is, you can make it WITHOUT THAT GUY. The first thing you have to do is buy YOUR dream, not his.

And the people who join you, they want THEIR dream... NOT YOURS.

To each his own dream, that's the first step. So go brush your teeth and figure out what your DREAM is.

Then help other people find theirs. NOW you're "network marketing"!



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