Network Marketing Explained
Network or multilevel marketing (MLM) is a term used to describe a particular type of home-based business.
When you say "network marketing", people often think of companies like Avon, Fuller Brush, Herbalife, etc. Yet they often overlook MLM's tremendous earning potential. Network marketing is the best way for ordinary people to earn extraordinary income.
Legitimate MLM is a sixty billion dollar business worldwide, and many network marketing companies consistently hit the Fortune 500 and New York Stock Exchange lists. Often the "little industry that could", many MLM companies outperform their mainstream competitors; Mary Kay is bigger than Johnson & Johnson, Amway is bigger than Revlon, and Avon is bigger than Estee Lauder. Several large corporations like Gillette, Rexall, and Colgate-Palmolive have deployed MLM subsidiaries to market their products on a door-to-door basis.
MLM companies have launched or planted entire industries--- from soap and vitamins to almost exclusively creating the home water filtration business.
Network marketers sell their companies' products on commission. The commissions grow with the retention of regular customers, but the potential multiplies when MLMers successfully recruit others. By enrolling other salespeople, your commissions swell based on the sales volume of your recruits.
I've had a couple of good experiences in network marketing that I can recommend to you. One is Success In 10 Steps, a free book you can download which helps you avoid a lot of the typical failure and frustration associated with network marketing. You can download the book from Mentoring For Free, where you won't get any spam or sales pressure from other recruiters.
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