BLUE COLLAR MLM: Work Smart, Not Hard

I help people who work for a living and want to create their financial freedom--- but don't have the time, money, or skills to do it. Reading my blog makes it easy!

June 10, 2005

MLM How-To: Keep It Simple Outside, and Make It Happen Inside

The best things in life are free. They’re also simple.

Oh, you can make it as difficult as you want. That still doesn’t make it’s truly complicated. In other words, the person making it hard is you.

People want to get to the bottom line. The bottom line in a ledger is the last line before the total; it’s saying, “Let’s sum this all up”. So tell people what the bottom line is. For example: “This business is a great way to organize people who buy a product. Everybody earns what they’re worth, and gets what they pay for. And nobody can make more money o your business than you!”

Isn’t that a clean, simple way to explain network marketing? All people want to know anyway is (1) “Can I do this?” and (2) “Can you help me?” They’re on the outside of your business looking in. The harder it looks on the outside, the harder it’ll be to get them inside. So even if you know all the details, sum it up into just a few words. Keep it simple outside, and make it happen inside.