BLUE COLLAR MLM: Work Smart, Not Hard

I help people who work for a living and want to create their financial freedom--- but don't have the time, money, or skills to do it. Reading my blog makes it easy!

October 17, 2005

Who's Sponsoring Who?

97% of all network marketers FAIL. Why?

Because they don't know what they're doing. Take for example, "sponsoring". What is it? To most people, it's "getting people to do your deal". But let's see what WEBSTER'S (the dictionary) calls it:

sponsor- patron; a wealthy or influential person who supports an individual, group, or activity

also defined as---


That's what the dictionary says! (Look it up if you don't believe me.)

By this definition, the customer is the "sponsor", or one who "supports an individual, group, or activity". But in network marketing, we get it backwards! Is there any wonder why almost all network marketers never earn more than $300?

Look! Read! Understand! The "sponsor" is a WEALTHY or INFLUENTIAL PERSON... who is also a regular customer!

So, the value of the "SPONSORS" you recruit is measured by their what? WEALTH or INFLUENCE. Unless they have either/or/both, YOU WILL FAIL AT NETWORK MARKETING. Pure and simple.

And remember, through it all, THEY MUST BE CUSTOMERS.

The good news is, if you do the opposite of 97 networkers out of 100, you have a 97% chance of success! Learn this now and you'll put your network marketing business on the fast track.

While we've got the dictionary out, let's look up "recruit", which is an important part of network marketing, right? Again from Websters:

recruit- enlist persons for support of an organization, TYPICALLY IN THE FORM OF AN ARMY.

This one we only get half wrong. The military history of the word "recruit" is where we got the regimented attempt at duplication, where everybody does the same thing. We know now that doesn't work. Not everybody is good at the same thing. And almost nobody will call cold leads on the phone or "make a list of 100 people".

You DO need to enlist the help and support of others to build your network marketing organization, and they must be CUSTOMERS with measurable wealth and influence.

How do you find them? The short answer is YOU DON'T. You let them find you!

In the next 10 minutes, 165 people will believe in network marketing enough to join an MLM organization. 160 of those will fail, and some of those will want to try again. And THOSE ARE THE PEOPLE YOU'RE LOOKING FOR.

The good news is, they're looking for you, too!