$3,000 A MONTH !!
People overlook the potential that multilevel marketing offers (MLM).
A friend of mine told me about a meeting he went to with the owner of an investing firm. My friend told me something you may find interesting.
The investor tells my friend that to create wealth you have to put PEOPLE to work or MONEY to work.
(Makes sense.)
The investor says that his clients want to invest money and put it to work. So he asks his clients how much monthly income they want, then he tells them how much money to bring him--- so he can get them the income.
You might want to sit down for this.
A person who wants to make $50 a month would have to bring the investor $8,259. (That’s 6.5 percent annual interest, paid monthly.)
To get the client $500 a month, the investor needs $82,590.
And to earn $3,000 a month takes an investment of $495,548.
To put this in perspective, if you want $3,000 a month in residual income you can:
a) Invest $495,000 conservatively; or
b) Help build an MLM group of about 400 customers who buy the same amount of products each month. Which can you do?
Do you have $495,000?
Or can you learn a little about MLM, then help a few others learn? Then, can you put PEOPLE and MONEY to work and make a residual income?
MLM can improve your life in a big way, IF you get the RIGHT knowledge and put it to work.
A friend of mine told me about a meeting he went to with the owner of an investing firm. My friend told me something you may find interesting.
The investor tells my friend that to create wealth you have to put PEOPLE to work or MONEY to work.
(Makes sense.)
The investor says that his clients want to invest money and put it to work. So he asks his clients how much monthly income they want, then he tells them how much money to bring him--- so he can get them the income.
You might want to sit down for this.
A person who wants to make $50 a month would have to bring the investor $8,259. (That’s 6.5 percent annual interest, paid monthly.)
To get the client $500 a month, the investor needs $82,590.
And to earn $3,000 a month takes an investment of $495,548.
To put this in perspective, if you want $3,000 a month in residual income you can:
a) Invest $495,000 conservatively; or
b) Help build an MLM group of about 400 customers who buy the same amount of products each month. Which can you do?
Do you have $495,000?
Or can you learn a little about MLM, then help a few others learn? Then, can you put PEOPLE and MONEY to work and make a residual income?
MLM can improve your life in a big way, IF you get the RIGHT knowledge and put it to work.