Avoid the 97 percent MLM failure rate with one simple thing
You can be successful in network marketing if you understand this, and it costs you nothing. Nobody has ever explained it to you like this before, and probably never will.
There is a 97 percent failure rate in multilevel marketing (MLM) for one reason.
Most of us learn the hard way.
If you are not as successful as you want to be, it is because everything that everyone told you is wrong. If it wasn’t, it would be working… wouldn’t it?
Let that soak in for a few seconds. Then congratulate yourself. You just learned something for free that costs most people a ton of money, not to mention the time it takes to learn it.
To make it in MLM, you need ONE THING.
Most people think it’s the product. That’s not it.
Some people think it’s the money. And that’s not it.
Some people think it’s the company. That’s not it either.
Now don’t get me wrong. All those things are important. You won’t be in business long trying to do MLM without a product (and you may even end up in jail). You do need a company that supports you, and enough money to make it worth your time.
But you can have the best product, in the best company, with the best compensation plan in history, and you’ll STILL fall flat on your face unless you have the ONE THING.
”OK, smart guy,” I hear you saying. “So what is it?”
Influence means that you’re the kind of person that more people want to be sponsored by. If someone sees the benefit of your product, the success of your company, and the potential of your compensation plan, and they still don’t join you, YOU HAVE NO INFLUENCE. If you have people in your downline who love the product, believe in the company, and understand the compensation plan, but they’re NOT building the business and making you money, it’s because you have no influence.
People have two questions for you as their sponsor. “Can I do this?” and “Can YOU help me?” If you can confidently answer, “Yes!” to both questions, and follow it with PROOF by EXAMPLE, that’s influence.
You might want to go back and read this whole thing again. Has anyone ever made it this plain to you? Who the heck am I, anyway, and why, why would I do this?
My name is Kaleem Abdullah and I live in Tyler, Texas. I’m successful in MLM and I can prove it by making you successful too, and I’ll do it for free with no strings attached. You can be in a company or not. You can either be a newbie or a victim of several years of bad experience, I’ll help you either way.
And I will ***NOT*** try to sell you my MLM deal, or an expensive training course that you can “back end” people with. You don’t need that to be successful.
Why would I help YOU for free?
In 10 years, I’ve been in 17 companies. Failed in most of them. Did everything everyone told me to do. Failed anyway. Thought it was my fault. It wasn’t. They just told me wrong. Whoever told them was wrong, too. That’s why we all failed.
It cost me big time. Lost everything I had more than once. Had women I loved walk out of my life because I couldn’t pay for the #1 at Sonic. Was embarrassed in front of my friends and family because I failed so many times. But my story’s not the worst. People have blown their brains out of their heads because of the humiliation they suffered in this industry. I don’t want any of that bad stuff to happen to you. That’s why I do this. I learned the hard way, but my story has a happy ending, and I WANT TO HELP YOU.
Free MLM help available. It’s not as hard as you think. I love to help people do MLM smart and profitably. If you want some free help to get your business going, drop me a line and I’ll respond personally. I’ll help you any way I can. I’m a good listener, and I won’t try to SPAM you, recruit you, or sell you anything.