They’ll Never Reject What THEY Want
If you’re getting rejection, it’s because you have yet to address what your customer/recruit/potential partner WANTS.
If you’re trying to address some NEED they have, or if you’re somehow projecting your WANT (desire for them to “sign up”, etc., or trying to “get” them to “do your deal”)--- they’ll probably reject you. You would reject them, too, if the tables were turned.
Take telemarketers for example. I only recently signed up for the do not call list. I kept accepting calls because I liked to hear what the telemarketers were saying. I learned a lot from them. Almost everything they said, I’d say the exact opposite to my prospects. I’m still amazed at how telemarketers keep doing those “rollovers” after calling me out of the blue to try and sell me something without an ounce of effort to see if I’m even interested. If you think it’s hard on you, it’s TORTURE for the telemarketer (I know because I’ve been there!). Do companies really think that B.S. still works?
It got so ridiculous, I had to give in and join the millions of people who don’t even want the calls anymore.
If you don’t want to be a nuisance or a bother, you have to TAKE THE TIME to find out WHAT YOUR PROSPECTS WANT. If you do, you’ll make more friends and influence more people.
If you’re trying to address some NEED they have, or if you’re somehow projecting your WANT (desire for them to “sign up”, etc., or trying to “get” them to “do your deal”)--- they’ll probably reject you. You would reject them, too, if the tables were turned.
Take telemarketers for example. I only recently signed up for the do not call list. I kept accepting calls because I liked to hear what the telemarketers were saying. I learned a lot from them. Almost everything they said, I’d say the exact opposite to my prospects. I’m still amazed at how telemarketers keep doing those “rollovers” after calling me out of the blue to try and sell me something without an ounce of effort to see if I’m even interested. If you think it’s hard on you, it’s TORTURE for the telemarketer (I know because I’ve been there!). Do companies really think that B.S. still works?
It got so ridiculous, I had to give in and join the millions of people who don’t even want the calls anymore.
If you don’t want to be a nuisance or a bother, you have to TAKE THE TIME to find out WHAT YOUR PROSPECTS WANT. If you do, you’ll make more friends and influence more people.