BLUE COLLAR MLM: Work Smart, Not Hard

I help people who work for a living and want to create their financial freedom--- but don't have the time, money, or skills to do it. Reading my blog makes it easy!

June 14, 2008

Gifting = Legal. Gifting "PROGRAM" = NOT!

My Beloved People:

I hope this clears up the DANGEROUS confusion about "cash gifting".

You may have heard that it's legal--- THAT IS 100% TRUE.

The DANGER comes in when you organize cash gifting into a BUSINESS for PROFIT.

Please read carefully--- This is not from me, it's from the U.S. GOVERNMENT:

The IRS says you can give ANY PERSON a gift of money or property up to $12,000 in value, and they don't even have to report it as income or pay taxes on it. TRUE!

BUT... and this is a HEAVY "but"... you MUST NOT do the gifting as a "for profit" business... EVEN IF YOU DON'T CALL IT THAT.

Just because you call it an "activity" or "charitable giving" does NOT make it legal!!

Federal authorities label that an ILLEGAL PYRAMID SCHEME, and if they catch you doing it, it could mean FINES, JAIL TIME and/or (at the very least) VERY high legal expenses.

How you get caught

Every person I know who is involved in cash gifting is a good person who is trying to help people and make some money.

They see people posting their videos on YouTube and say, "Well, it must be legal. Who would put their names and faces on the Internet if it wasn't legal?"

People who don't KNOW it's illegal, that's who.


Notice how some people NEVER use their names and faces. Why? If they're legit, and they're helping so many people, what's wrong with anyone knowing who they are?

CASH ONLY. You can't use checks or credit cards... or even money orders. Why? The government says it's OK, so what's wrong with having a paper trail?

They don’t use the U.S. mail. Why? The post office also has next day delivery.

"If they're illegal, why don't they get shut down? Why don't they take people to jail?

They do! It's up to the prosecuting authorities to decide how many complaints they'll want to hear before they start busting people. Could be 10, could be 100. They might want to take down the scam's originators, or they might want to take out several other perpetrators in the process. They MAY or MAY NOT see YOU as a "VICTIM".

Is it worth it?

Look, I know you need the money, but you can't make it doing a scam. In a scam, you'll almost always LOSE money.

There are plenty or real, legitimate business opportunities out there.

I know you didn't want to hear this, but if it keeps you from going to jail and losing everything you have, then it's worth it!

Maybe it's because of the high price of groceries. Or because gas is $4 a gallon. Or because of the housing crisis. But I'm seeing more of these scams right now than I ever have before.

I've been hit by them, too. And it DIDN'T HELP ME AT ALL that I "meant" well. But I had to learn the hard way.

Slow down. Take a deep breath. Relax. IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT.

** If you're thinking about doing a gifting program, DON'T.
** If you ARE doing one, STOP.
** If your name, photo, video, or contact information is on the Internet, TAKE IT DOWN IMMEDIATELY.

If you've lost money in one of those gifting programs, email me. I might know of a way you can get at least some of your money back.

And if you're looking for a LEGITIMATE way to make some money, I can definitely help you there.

Whatever you need, let me know. We can talk about it.

Hope that helps.